Kazanorgsintez Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) is one of the biggest chemical enterprises in Russia. It produces more than 43% of the whole Russian polyethylene and is its biggest exporter. Kazanorgsintez OJSC occupies a leading position in the production of gas pipeline polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, cooling liquids, chemical reagents for oil production and natural gas drying. Kazanorgsintez produces more than one million tons of chemical products per year.

A new control system has recently been launched at the Kazanorgsintez OJSC's polyethylene pipe production. The Kazan-based Centre company have developed and commissioned a control system for the polyethylene pipe production based on NEAT-460 controllers under the control of TRACE MODE Micro RTM, distributed ADAM (Advantech) and TRACE MODE 5 SCADA/HMI system modules (AdAstra Research Group, Ltd).
The system performs monitoring of process parameters, record-keeping for the amount of polyethylene pipes manufactured and supply/consumption of raw materials. The following program modules of the TRACE MODE integrated SCADA/HMI-system and SOFTLOGIC-system have been used in the control system:
- NetLink RTM and NetLinkLight - SCADA/HMI dispatcher workplaces; - Global Registrator - archiving server; - Supervisor - two executive's workplaces; - Micro TRACE MODE - an executive module in PC-based controllers.
Parallel to ТRACE MODE SCADA/HMI, a program is running on a computer, which has been developed by Kazanorgsintez OJSC's specialists and which reads out, via an OPC interface, values from the control system and saved them in a database with a certain periodicity. At the same time, archiving is performed into two files: process data are placed into one of them and data on the amount of polyethylene pipes manufactured and the consumption of raw material at the moment of each shift/day ending are placed into the other file. These data are used for the generation of reports. A local TRACE MODE SPAD-archive designed for archive trend viewing is also recorded on the SCADA/HMI computer.
Global Registrator, a dedicated server of the TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI historical archive is used in the control system. About 98% of channels from the control system low-level controller and 30 channels with the data on polyethylene pipe grades from the dispatcher HMI are saved in the archive.
The implementation of this control system based on TRACE MODE SCADA has enabled Kazanorgsintez OJSC to automate the record-keeping process for the products being manufactured and raw materials being used, monitor the polyethylene pipe production process, detect accidents and prevent them. |