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Double Force RTM+ with Automatic Hot Redundancy

TRACE MODE SCADA HMI hot standby control

Double Force RTM+ 6 contents two real time monitors (TRACE MODE® 6 SCADA/HMI real time servers) with automatic hot redundancy system.

Double Force RTM+ is designed for use in high-reliability fail-safe control systems based on the TRACE MODE 6. Double Force RTM+ is installed on two PCs being equal servers in the control system. Each of the two real time monitors included in the Double Force RTM+ system, is able to operate independently as  RTM+, and in addition they offer additional features ensuring automatic dual hot redundancy system as follows:

  • automatic synchronization of real time data between the master and standby servers;
  • automatic switching-over of the data flows to the standby TRACE MODE 6 server in case of failure of the master server;
  • automatic determination of server status as "master" or "redundant" at system startup and automatic solution of status conflicts upon recovery of the master server after failure;
  • logging of all failures and switchings to standby servers.

Moreover Double Force RTM+ provides additional features for control systems reliability increase and fault tolerance as follows:

  • hot standby system for data inputs;
  • hot standby for I/O cards and PLC;
  • hot redundancy for network adapters.

Learn how to make a dual redundant control system in TRACE MODE in our training video:

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License policy: Double Force RTM+ 6 is licensed for 2 PCs with different number of channels. The versions of Double Force RTM+ 6 for 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 32000, 64000 channels are available.

Fault Tolerance & Redundancy in TRACE MODE

 Tri Force RTM+

Real Time Monitor

Real Time Monitor +


Current TRACE MODE release 6.10.2. Upgrade now for free!