SCADA TRACE MODE 6.05 Now Avaiable
Technical support at AdAstrA offers a new release of the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system – TRACE MODE 6.05, which is shipped both in Professional and Standard editions.
The 6.05 release delivers update of the following software:
- integrated development environment (development system);
- Real-time servers – RTM, RTM+, DocRTM+, Double Force RTM+;
- NetLink Light GUI console;
- Global documentation servers;
- Global loggers;
- Real-time servers – T-Factory RTM+ and Double Force RTM+;
- T-Factory NetLink Light GUI console.
The 6.05 release includes the following additions and improvements:
- The library integration utility is now built into the development system.
- The context menu for the GI/grouped GIs (Graphical Item) now includes a command to switch between layers.
- The HMI (gHMI) and document editor now support automatic binding of dynamic GI properties, simply by drag-n-dropping arguments.
- The context menu for the GI/gGI Bitmap Image and Video now includes a command to restore the size after it has been changed.
- The highlighting colour settings for the GIs can be now changed by mouse-over.
- The Settings window now includes a setting tab for the document editor options.
- GUI for the real-time monitors
- Trend GI:
- The curves can now be moved in the displayed value list, thus allowing an operator to create an actual list of the operator jobs in real-time - A radio-button for data source is now available to switch between real-time or archive data.
- A new Archive trend GI has been added, which is a modification of Trend GI, offering graphical view of the archive data only.
- The HMI now includes Archive tables and Archive bar graph GIs.
- The HMI (gHMI) now includes GIs (gGIs) such as Polyline with filling, Pump, standard video set, switch group.
- The multi-line text for Text and Button GIs is now available.
- The texturing options for the 3D GIs have been enhanced.
- Report generating:
- The programs processing, while generating the document tables is now available. For instance, by using programs, you can process the tables, while performing archive sampling, and then send the ready mathematical processing results to the archive tables - You can now output messages from a local alarm report and other documents to the document to be generated - The print server now provides enhanced features for dynamic creation of the document file saving direction, while offering document creation process management and message category allocation functions.
- For node redundancy mechanism:
- Automatic primary node selection (WORK/TRACE arbitration) upon reconnection in your redundant and triple-redundant systems - @Net_DDE and @Logging system variables ensure additional permanent settings synchronization across the redundant nodes.
- You can now define a number of the alarm report lines to be read upon start-up.
- A CALL.TVarray channel has been added to ensure consistent copying of the settings in the set time sequence.
We have also improved a number of existing features, ensuring: - much faster display of your archive data in the trends by optimizing SIAD data sampling algorithm; - no more freezing of the Modbus TCP protocol across noisy data transfer lines; - improved ActiveX support; - improved curve display on your real-time trend for any settings that change rarely; - improved verification of the entered numbers upon "clicking" control using Enter and send function; - stack volume for EVENT channel increased to 254; - enhanced support of your regional data format settings for Node alarm report GI; - improved mechanisms of remote project loading and debugging.
- We have re-enabled a number of features:
- screen template transfer to a component library; - SMS sending by the GSM-enabled real-time monitors; - /hide option for hiding the RTM system panel when launched in the full-screen mode; - screen reloading using @Load variable.
- We have corrected the localized errors causing:
- IDE crash by pressing Alt when renaming the project components; - incorrect management priorities when sending the same parameter from several workstations in the distributed systems; - incorrect ST language functions of exponentiation and logarithm, if over 32 per program; - inaccurate floating point computing; - incorrect input format and display of the double precision numbers; - incorrect control of the layer visibility in the pop-up window; - incorrect I-7053 module addressing.
The QA at AdAstrA have thoroughly tested the 6.05 release according to the ISO 9001:2000.
The 6.05 release is available for free download by the current users of your integrated TRACE MODE 6.05 SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system from the support section of our site:
To update your existing version, please uninstall the previous release via Control Panel and install 6.05 release into your working directory.
The next TRACE MODE 6.06 release is to be shipped in August, 2007. In case of questions, please see: http://forum.adastra.ru/. |
Important update for SCADA TRACE MODE, release 6.10.2

Note! TRACE MODE 6.10.2 – important release update has been issued.
The New TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI Release 6.10.2 Available For Download

AdAstra Research Group, Ltd (Moscow, Russia) has announced a new release of integrated SCADA- and SOFTLOGIC- system TRACE MODE 6.10.2.
The release is now available for all registered users of TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI for free (it is free for download from the User's Personal Account).
In accordance to increased security requirements of unauthorized access and user authentification in the process control software, new means of user rights management have been introduced. In the 6.10.2 some new features added, bugs detected fixed.
The new release 6.10.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...... |
TRACE MODE 6.09.2 New Release Available to Users

Adastra Technical support team announces a new release of an integrated and SCADA- SOFTLOGIC-system TRACE MODE 6.09.2.
The new release has successfully passed Microsoft certification tests f or compatibility with the Microsoft operating system Windows 8.1.
The new release 6.09.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...
SCADA For GSM/GPRS-based Remote Control Now Released

AdAstrA Research Group (Moscow, Russia) has launched a new SCADA/HMI class software product - TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ for GSM/GPRS-based remote control and alarming.
Utility, transportation, hi-tech house, water, gaz, fire-safety and agriculture remote control – the all-new SCADA/HMI software is designed for a range of applications that seek to receive real-time process data and communicate them to the mobile teams in a fast and reliable way.
TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ is easily programmed on IEC 6-1131/3 visual languages in SCADA/HMI TRACE MODE 6 integrated development environment. |
AdAstrA Reseases a New Milestone Release, SCADA TRACE MODE 6.06!

AdAstrA launched a new release of the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system, TRACE MODE 6.06, available both in Professional and Base editions. The exciting new 6.06 release provides a host of new features and technologies to dramatically increase SCADA TRACE MODE performance and functionality.
New SCADA TRACE MODE updates are available free of charge at the Support section. |
SCADA TRACE MODE 6.04 Ready for Download

AdAstrA Technical support service announces the release of integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system TRACE MODE 6.04, which comes both in Professional and Basic lines.
The new release includes new features and improvments for development system and runtime modules. TRACE MODE 6.04 is available for free download at the support section of the site. |
New TRACE MODE 6 SCADA Clients with Group Licensing

AdAstrA has issued a new TRACE MODE SCADA runtime module - NetLink Light with group licensing. Belonging to to the family of the NetLink Light client HMI modules, the new software requires no dongle on every PC. |
The Basic Line DocRTM+ for SCADA TRACE MODE 6 Released
On April 12, 2006. AdAstrA enlarges offer of the TRACE MODE® and T-FACTORY.exe® runtimes, by introducing new Real Time Monitors with built-in report generator (DocRTM+) and a dedicated Global Documentation Server now for the basic line users too.
The new changes in the TRACE MODE license policy help users to optimize expenses for SCADA/HMI software. |
OPC Server for TRACE MODE 6 HMI Released
AdAstrA Research Group announces the release of the long awaited product - TRACE MODE 6 OPC server. The new product provides access to the real time data of any servers and PLCs programmed in TRACE MODE and T-Factory.
TRACE MODE 6 HMI Released in English
On 9 August 2005 AdAstrA Research Group released the English version of integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA/HMI-MES-EAM-HRM software TRACE MODE 6. New version offers an unrivalled power and flexibility in the integrated process control and manufacturing automation systems development, combined with intuitiveness and ease of use.
The TRACE MODE 6 HMI development tool is free and is available for direct download. |
The New TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI Release 6.10.2 Available For Download 
AdAstra Research Group, Ltd (Moscow, Russia) has announced a new release of integrated SCADA- and SOFTLOGIC- system TRACE MODE 6.10.2.
The release is now available for all registered users of TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI for free (it is free for download from the User's Personal Account).
In accordance to increased security requirements of unauthorized access and user authentification in the process control software, new means of user rights management have been introduced. In the 6.10.2 some new features added, bugs detected fixed.
The new release 6.10.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...... |
SCADA For GSM/GPRS-based Remote Control Now Released 
AdAstrA Research Group (Moscow, Russia) has launched a new SCADA/HMI class software product - TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ for GSM/GPRS-based remote control and alarming.
Utility, transportation, hi-tech house, water, gaz, fire-safety and agriculture remote control – the all-new SCADA/HMI software is designed for a range of applications that seek to receive real-time process data and communicate them to the mobile teams in a fast and reliable way.
TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ is easily programmed on IEC 6-1131/3 visual languages in SCADA/HMI TRACE MODE 6 integrated development environment. |
TRACE MODE Data Center Provides Remote Web Based And Mobile Access to Control Systems AdAstrA Research Group has released a new SCADA TRACE MODE runtime module, TRACE MODE Data Center, providing remote access to real-time control system information using web-browser via Internet/Intranet or wireless networks (GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
The all-new product from AdAstra is tailored to meet the needs of the corporate users of TRACE MODE looking to consolidate information from the various control systems across the plant, and provide access to this information for mobile employees, such as engineers, chief engineers, and plant management.
New free of charge drivers for TOSHIBA TOSVERT Added in TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI New free of charge drivers for TOSHIBA TOSVERT series frequency converters are added to the TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI software and published at the AdAstra Web site for download:
Micro TRACE MODE 6 Software for I-7188 Controller Programming Now Released 
AdAstra has finished the development of Micro TRACE MODE 6 runtime software for popular I-7188 controllers (ICP DAS, Taiwan).
Now easy programming on 5 IEC 6-1131/3 languages in the TRACE MODE 6 development system is available for the I-7188 controllers too.
The new software provides cost-effective solution, while delivering efficiency for small-sized distributed control systems. |
TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI in Control System at Kazanorgsintez Polyethylene Pipe Production 
Kazanorgsintez Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) is one of the biggest chemical enterprises in Russia and Tatarstan. It produces more than 43% of the whole Russian polyethylene and is its biggest exporter.
The Kazanorgsintez OJSC's polyethylene pipe production has recently been automated. Specialists from the Centre company (city of Kazan) have developed and commissioned a control system for the polyethylene pipe production based on NEAT-460 controllers under the control of TRACE MODE Micro RTM, distributed ADAM (Advantech) and TRACE MODE 5 SCADA/HMI system modules (AdAstra Research Group, Ltd).
The implementation of this control system based on TRACE MODE SCADA has enabled Kazanorgsintez OJSC to automate the record-keeping process for the products being manufactured and raw materials being used, monitor the polyethylene pipe production process, detect accidents and prevent them. |
Adastra Releases TRACE MODE 6 RTM for Linux AdAstra Company (Russia) announced the release of real-time monitor (LinRTM) for the operating system Linux.
TRACE MODE RTM is the main runtime module of the integrated TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI software, designed to operate on operator workstations.
The new LinRTM provides ...
TRACE MODE SCADA Employed in Automated Control System for 2nd Power Unit at Krasnodar Heat and Power Plant The Krasnodar heat and power plant launched an automated control system for the 2nd power unit that was developed using SCADA TRACE MODE system and the RK-131/300M controllers.
Within the shortest time-frame, a team of four engineers from Yuzhniy Engineering Power Center, YugOGRES, successfully deployed the control system during overhaul at the 2nd power unit.
AdAstrA Reseases a New Milestone Release, SCADA TRACE MODE 6.06! 
AdAstrA launched a new release of the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system, TRACE MODE 6.06, available both in Professional and Base editions. The exciting new 6.06 release provides a host of new features and technologies to dramatically increase SCADA TRACE MODE performance and functionality.
New SCADA TRACE MODE updates are available free of charge at the Support section. |
HART Driver for Micro TRACE MODE 6 to Connect HART Devices and WinCon 8000 AdAstrA Research Group, Ltd made available an external driver for Micro TRACE MODE 6 industrial controller programming system. This driver is designed to connect WinCon 8000 controller to sensors and flowmeters using a popular HART protocol.
The Kristall distillery in Moscow was one of the first factories to deploy the HART driver for WinCon 8000. Previously, Micro TRACE MODE 6 for WinCon 8000 was shipped only with the integrated drivers for Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DCS, etc. |
New Circutor CVM Driver for SCADA HMI TRACE MODE 6 
AdAstrA has completed development of the new SCADA HMI TRACE MODE driver for CVM series Circutor power analyzers.
The driver supports specific Modbus protocol features for CVM series devices. The driver deployment provides easier control system development and uses approximately twice as less I/O points in the project.
The new driver is available for free download from the support section. |
New TRACE MODE 6 SCADA Clients with Group Licensing 
AdAstrA has issued a new TRACE MODE SCADA runtime module - NetLink Light with group licensing. Belonging to to the family of the NetLink Light client HMI modules, the new software requires no dongle on every PC. |