SCADA TRACE MODE 6.04 Ready for Download
AdAstrA Technical support service announces the release of integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system TRACE MODE 6.04, which comes both in Professional and Basic lines.
TRACE MODE 6.04 includes updates to the following software:
- Integrated development environment (development system);
- Real-time SCADA servers - RTM, RTM+, DocRTM+, Double Force RTM+;
- NetLink Light HMI console;
- Global documentation servers;
- Global loggers;
- OPC server;
- Real-time servers - T-Factory RTM+ and Double Force RTM+;
- T-Factory NetLink Light GUI console.
SCADA TRACE MODE 6.04 includes the following additions and improvements:
- OPC HDA support has been improved (in methods of writing collected data into history logs and outputting to screens and document trends).
TCOM6 interface has been improved. Now the driver receives more parameters.
- HART communications support has been changed (in definition of master status).
- New driver included in
the list of supported devices – BACnet/IP driver for YORK controllers.
- The specification of archive-based section forming features using DifSnap channels has been extended;
The specification of forced archiving features using Writer channels has been extended.
- The archive status control using @q_SIAD_Q variable now features new functions enabling higher quality of archive copying procedures.
- rtmg32.exe profiler now offers SIAD archive export feature.
- A new graphical item Trend XY has been added (allowing control of functional interdependence of parameters in real-time);
- The set of resource library editor commands has been extended:
- the resource editor now includes undo-redo system,
- the resource editor now contains replace command;
- Text: when setting output format for textual graphical item, you can add an explanatory text;
- Objects: the software now features a system for autobuilding of screen arguments and/or binding graphical object arguments to screen arguments
when placing an object on screen;
- Graphical item tables: additional actions for context menu of graphical item tables have been introduced;
- It became possible to go back to the previous screen;
- It bacame possible to set a sequence of control function execution and also benefit from improved autobuilding of screen arguments using arguments of the graphical object being placed;
- In "Node Alarm Report" graphical item, it is possible to configure background for confirmed messages;
- HMI/eHMI now features saving of graphical screen/panel in *.bmp file;
- You can use automatic forming of graphical items using screen call feature;
- The editor's screen zoom has been greatly improved.
- Channel autobuilding and binding feature has been improved;
- LINTER FBD-block update enables using 2D tables;
- In real-time, you have current screen and user names displayed either in status bar or (in full-screen mode) to the right of the menu on a floating toolbar.
Additionally in the SCADA TRACE MODE 6.04 the following bugs have been fixed:
- Navigation bugs and displaying trend when using "magnifying glass" zooming have been fixed;
- The AVR output feature of STAT (Statistics) functional block has been restored;
- Message confirmations with "line FROM" and "FROM node" graphical items available on one screen are now synchronized;
- DDE server connection is now restored automatically after restart;
- The function of automatic NLL switching between redundant nodes has been restored.
The AdAstrA quality department have thoroughly tested the TRACE MODE 6.04 in complience with ISO 9001:2000 standart. The new release is available for free download to current TRACE MODE 6 users at the support section of the site:
To update your existing version, please uninstall the previous release and install 6.04 release into your working directory.
In July-August, 2006, AdAstrA is to offer other SCADA TRACE MODE 6.04 products, including new software - TRACE MODE Multy-user Development Server, Micro TRACE MODE for i7000, Web-activator, Graphical HMI console for pocket PCs and cell phones, etc. To keep yourself updated, please visit www.adastra.ru regularly!
The next TRACE MODE 6.05 release is intended for November, 2006.
Ask your questions at http://forum.adastra.ru/ . |
Important update for SCADA TRACE MODE, release 6.10.2

Note! TRACE MODE 6.10.2 – important release update has been issued.
The New TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI Release 6.10.2 Available For Download

AdAstra Research Group, Ltd (Moscow, Russia) has announced a new release of integrated SCADA- and SOFTLOGIC- system TRACE MODE 6.10.2.
The release is now available for all registered users of TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI for free (it is free for download from the User's Personal Account).
In accordance to increased security requirements of unauthorized access and user authentification in the process control software, new means of user rights management have been introduced. In the 6.10.2 some new features added, bugs detected fixed.
The new release 6.10.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...... |
TRACE MODE 6.09.2 New Release Available to Users

Adastra Technical support team announces a new release of an integrated and SCADA- SOFTLOGIC-system TRACE MODE 6.09.2.
The new release has successfully passed Microsoft certification tests f or compatibility with the Microsoft operating system Windows 8.1.
The new release 6.09.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...
SCADA For GSM/GPRS-based Remote Control Now Released

AdAstrA Research Group (Moscow, Russia) has launched a new SCADA/HMI class software product - TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ for GSM/GPRS-based remote control and alarming.
Utility, transportation, hi-tech house, water, gaz, fire-safety and agriculture remote control – the all-new SCADA/HMI software is designed for a range of applications that seek to receive real-time process data and communicate them to the mobile teams in a fast and reliable way.
TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ is easily programmed on IEC 6-1131/3 visual languages in SCADA/HMI TRACE MODE 6 integrated development environment. |
AdAstrA Reseases a New Milestone Release, SCADA TRACE MODE 6.06!

AdAstrA launched a new release of the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system, TRACE MODE 6.06, available both in Professional and Base editions. The exciting new 6.06 release provides a host of new features and technologies to dramatically increase SCADA TRACE MODE performance and functionality.
New SCADA TRACE MODE updates are available free of charge at the Support section. |
SCADA TRACE MODE 6.05 Now Avaiable
On January 30, 2007, a new release of the integrated SCADA-system TRACE MODE 6.05 has been made available, both in Professional and Standard editions.
The 6.05 release includes new features and patches for the development system and runtime modules. The new SCADA TRACE MODE and MES-EAM-HRM software from the T-FACTORY system is available for free download from the support section.
New TRACE MODE 6 SCADA Clients with Group Licensing

AdAstrA has issued a new TRACE MODE SCADA runtime module - NetLink Light with group licensing. Belonging to to the family of the NetLink Light client HMI modules, the new software requires no dongle on every PC. |
The Basic Line DocRTM+ for SCADA TRACE MODE 6 Released
On April 12, 2006. AdAstrA enlarges offer of the TRACE MODE® and T-FACTORY.exe® runtimes, by introducing new Real Time Monitors with built-in report generator (DocRTM+) and a dedicated Global Documentation Server now for the basic line users too.
The new changes in the TRACE MODE license policy help users to optimize expenses for SCADA/HMI software. |
OPC Server for TRACE MODE 6 HMI Released
AdAstrA Research Group announces the release of the long awaited product - TRACE MODE 6 OPC server. The new product provides access to the real time data of any servers and PLCs programmed in TRACE MODE and T-Factory.
TRACE MODE 6 HMI Released in English
On 9 August 2005 AdAstrA Research Group released the English version of integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA/HMI-MES-EAM-HRM software TRACE MODE 6. New version offers an unrivalled power and flexibility in the integrated process control and manufacturing automation systems development, combined with intuitiveness and ease of use.
The TRACE MODE 6 HMI development tool is free and is available for direct download. |
The New TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI Release 6.10.2 Available For Download 
AdAstra Research Group, Ltd (Moscow, Russia) has announced a new release of integrated SCADA- and SOFTLOGIC- system TRACE MODE 6.10.2.
The release is now available for all registered users of TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI for free (it is free for download from the User's Personal Account).
In accordance to increased security requirements of unauthorized access and user authentification in the process control software, new means of user rights management have been introduced. In the 6.10.2 some new features added, bugs detected fixed.
The new release 6.10.2 offers new software products and some improved features ...... |
SCADA For GSM/GPRS-based Remote Control Now Released 
AdAstrA Research Group (Moscow, Russia) has launched a new SCADA/HMI class software product - TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ for GSM/GPRS-based remote control and alarming.
Utility, transportation, hi-tech house, water, gaz, fire-safety and agriculture remote control – the all-new SCADA/HMI software is designed for a range of applications that seek to receive real-time process data and communicate them to the mobile teams in a fast and reliable way.
TRACE MODE GSM RTM+ is easily programmed on IEC 6-1131/3 visual languages in SCADA/HMI TRACE MODE 6 integrated development environment. |
TRACE MODE Data Center Provides Remote Web Based And Mobile Access to Control Systems AdAstrA Research Group has released a new SCADA TRACE MODE runtime module, TRACE MODE Data Center, providing remote access to real-time control system information using web-browser via Internet/Intranet or wireless networks (GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
The all-new product from AdAstra is tailored to meet the needs of the corporate users of TRACE MODE looking to consolidate information from the various control systems across the plant, and provide access to this information for mobile employees, such as engineers, chief engineers, and plant management.
New free of charge drivers for TOSHIBA TOSVERT Added in TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI New free of charge drivers for TOSHIBA TOSVERT series frequency converters are added to the TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI software and published at the AdAstra Web site for download:
SCADA TRACE MODE 6.05 Now Avaiable On January 30, 2007, a new release of the integrated SCADA-system TRACE MODE 6.05 has been made available, both in Professional and Standard editions.
The 6.05 release includes new features and patches for the development system and runtime modules. The new SCADA TRACE MODE and MES-EAM-HRM software from the T-FACTORY system is available for free download from the support section.
Micro TRACE MODE 6 Software for I-7188 Controller Programming Now Released 
AdAstra has finished the development of Micro TRACE MODE 6 runtime software for popular I-7188 controllers (ICP DAS, Taiwan).
Now easy programming on 5 IEC 6-1131/3 languages in the TRACE MODE 6 development system is available for the I-7188 controllers too.
The new software provides cost-effective solution, while delivering efficiency for small-sized distributed control systems. |
Adastra Releases TRACE MODE 6 RTM for Linux AdAstra Company (Russia) announced the release of real-time monitor (LinRTM) for the operating system Linux.
TRACE MODE RTM is the main runtime module of the integrated TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI software, designed to operate on operator workstations.
The new LinRTM provides ...
TRACE MODE SCADA Employed in Automated Control System for 2nd Power Unit at Krasnodar Heat and Power Plant The Krasnodar heat and power plant launched an automated control system for the 2nd power unit that was developed using SCADA TRACE MODE system and the RK-131/300M controllers.
Within the shortest time-frame, a team of four engineers from Yuzhniy Engineering Power Center, YugOGRES, successfully deployed the control system during overhaul at the 2nd power unit.
AdAstrA Reseases a New Milestone Release, SCADA TRACE MODE 6.06! 
AdAstrA launched a new release of the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM system, TRACE MODE 6.06, available both in Professional and Base editions. The exciting new 6.06 release provides a host of new features and technologies to dramatically increase SCADA TRACE MODE performance and functionality.
New SCADA TRACE MODE updates are available free of charge at the Support section. |
HART Driver for Micro TRACE MODE 6 to Connect HART Devices and WinCon 8000 AdAstrA Research Group, Ltd made available an external driver for Micro TRACE MODE 6 industrial controller programming system. This driver is designed to connect WinCon 8000 controller to sensors and flowmeters using a popular HART protocol.
The Kristall distillery in Moscow was one of the first factories to deploy the HART driver for WinCon 8000. Previously, Micro TRACE MODE 6 for WinCon 8000 was shipped only with the integrated drivers for Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DCS, etc. |
New Circutor CVM Driver for SCADA HMI TRACE MODE 6 
AdAstrA has completed development of the new SCADA HMI TRACE MODE driver for CVM series Circutor power analyzers.
The driver supports specific Modbus protocol features for CVM series devices. The driver deployment provides easier control system development and uses approximately twice as less I/O points in the project.
The new driver is available for free download from the support section. |
New TRACE MODE 6 SCADA Clients with Group Licensing 
AdAstrA has issued a new TRACE MODE SCADA runtime module - NetLink Light with group licensing. Belonging to to the family of the NetLink Light client HMI modules, the new software requires no dongle on every PC. |