AdAstrA Research Group, Ltd made available an external driver for Micro TRACE MODE 6 industrial controller programming system. This driver is designed to connect WinCon 8000 controller to sensors and flowmeters using a popular HART protocol.
HART Master driver connects WinCon 8000 controller running Micro TRACE MODE 6 to the HART-modems and MUX.
The HART communication driver is designed as a t11 driver. Each controller's COM port accommodates one HART-modem or one HART-MUX. The number of the connected sensors varies depending on the modem type.
The driver enables the operations below:
- communicate with up to 16 HART-devices at 1 COM port at up to 1200 baud rate;
- read currently measured values using the requested units;
- read existing current values in mA;
- read range percent;
- receive HART-sensors data, such as serial number, sensor unit code, measurement range and minimum sensor interval;
- read blocks of dynamic variables.
The driver combines all individual modem requests in a single batch, ensuring that several parameters from one group can be received in a single request. 
The driver can be setup in an easy and intuitive TRACE MODE integrated development environment.
The new driver is available in the electronic form only, however it includes a Quick Start Guide and a HART driver setup sample for the WinCon 8000 controller.

Kristall factory in Moscow was one of the first facilities to deploy the HART driver for WinCon 8000. Previously, Micro TRACE MODE 6 for WinCon 8000 was shipped only with the integrated drivers for Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DCS, etc.