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Training Video: Connecting Mitsubishi FX3U PLC to TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI via Melsec Protocol

Melsec FX3UTRACE MODE SCADA/HMI logoLearn how to connect a Mitsubishi Melsec FX3U PLC to TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI through built-in driver with our new free online video training.

Didactic Task

Let's develop a control system, including an operator console (human machine interface) and a PLC. The connection between them will be provided via MELSEC protocol through Ethernet network. As PLC we will use Mitsubishi FX3U-16M with I/O module FX3U-4AD-PT-ADP connected to temperature sensors and ETHERNET module FX3U-ENET. The IP-address of the PLC is the port for data exchange is 5551.

We should acquire and visualize data from one temperature sensor on our operator HMI. The value from sensor is located in Data/FileRegister D8260. In order to show temperature in degrees centigrade, it is necessary to divide data in Register by 10.

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We recommend you to repeat trainer's actions in the TRACE MODE development system. Free TRACE MODE development software may be downloaded here.

You can download training project shown on our video.

SCADA/HMI software TRACE MODE is provided with free built-in drivers, enabling connection to  2812 PLCs, I/O's and meters.  


TRACE MODE 6 HMI Released in English

TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI logoOn 9 August 2005 AdAstrA Research Group released the English version of integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA/HMI-MES-EAM-HRM software TRACE MODE 6. New version offers an unrivalled power and flexibility in the integrated process control and manufacturing automation systems development, combined with intuitiveness and ease of use.

The TRACE MODE 6 HMI development tool is free and is available for direct download.  


Pakistan Students Study Industrial Automation Technologies with SCADA TRACE MODE

A new laboratory practice on Supervisory control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) system development is launched for undergraduate students of Electrical Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila (Punjab, Pakistan). University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila commonly referred to as UET Taxila is among the best engineering universities in Pakistan. The new practice is based on the TRACE MODE SCADA/HMI software.

The laboratory work was developed by  Director Technical, Creative Electronics & Automation in his MSc Research work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Choudhry using the Omron's latest CJ1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), the Device-Net field bus and the latest version of TRACE MODE 6 SCADA/HMI software.

The author can share the experiments the files of SCADA as well as PLC and complete Experimentation & Training documentation. Please contact ...

SCADA Training in Beijing

TRACE MODE SCADA Training ChinaOn December 12-23, 2005 in Beijing an Extended training for the process control system development in the integrated SOFTLOGIC-SCADA-MES-EAM-HRM software TRACE MODE 6 was held.

The SCADA training was attended by control engineers from China and Pakistan involved in the process control projects in power generation industry.

The trainees appreciated such TRACE MODE 6 SCADA and SOFTLOGIC features as the uniform project technology, project autobuilding, extensive I/O driver's library, ready-to-use resources, reliability and ease of the TRACE MODE use.


Current TRACE MODE release 6.10.2. Upgrade now for free!