2007 AdAstrA opened engineering department
To provide support for the TRACE MODE users in control sytems development AdAstrA opened an engineering department.
2006 AdAstrA opened representative office in Kyiv, Ukraine
To provide better technical support for the TRACE MODE users in China, sales and marketing co-ordination AdAstrA opened a representative office in Kyiv, Ukraine.
2005 AdAstrA opened representative office in Beijing, China. The TRACE MODE installations reached 20000.
To provide better technical support for the TRACE MODE users in China and for marketing co-ordination AdAstrA opened a representative office in Beijing, China. The TRACE MODE installations reached 20000.
2004 AdAstrA released TRACE MODE 6: the first integrated information platform for manufacturing and process control combining SOFTLOGIC, SCADA/HMI, MES, EAM, HRM in one product.
For the first time in the world, the 6-st version of TRACE MODE provided a uniform development tool for manufacturing and process control systems. TRACE MODE became an integrated platform for manufacturing and process control. TRACE MODE e-shop was opened. AdAstrA signed an OEM-agreement with Silian Corp., one of the biggest Chinese state corporations.
2003 Certification of the company quality management system for the compliance with IS0 9000. AdAstrA's international OEM-program progressed. The number of TRACE MODE installations reached 10000
AdAstrA obtained a TUV Cert (Germany) certificate confirming the compliance of the company’s quality management system with the international standard ISO 9001:2000. The AdAstrA's quality management system covers business processes of software development, manufacturing and technical support. AdAstrA signed an OEM-agreement with ICP/DAS corporation (Taiwan). The number of TRACE MODE installations exceeded 10000.
2002 AdAstrA's OEM-program became international. First TRACE MODE implementation at a nuclear power plant. The number of TRACE MODE installations in China reached 1000
AdAstrA has signed an OEM-agreement with Advantech corporation (Taiwan). The TRACE MODE OEM-program became international. A TRACE MODE based control system was launched at the main supervisory control centre of the Kalinin NPP. The number of TRACE MODE installations in China exceeded 1000.
2001 ADASTRA entered in the Chinese market. TRACE MODE Internet Forum opened
TRACE MODE was translated into Chinese. AdAstrA signed an agreement on TRACE MODE distribution in China. An Internet Forum for TRACE MODE technical support was opened. The number of TRACE MODE installations reached 6000.
2000 TRACE MODE SCADA became free of charge. OEM-program. GSM-Activator
Starting from February 2000, TRACE MODE SCADA software became free of charge. Special OEM-program for TRACE MODE run-time modules adaptation for different industrial controllers was developed. AdAstrA entered into the first OEM-agreements. The first TRACE MODE Lagoon OEM-project was cited as the "Editor’s Choice" by Control Engineering magazine. A GSM-based remote control technology developed. GSM-Activator and Micro TRACE MODE GSM+ products released. The number of TRACE MODE installations reached 4500.
1999 Development of Internet-technologies in TRACE MODE. Web-Activator
The development of TRACE MODE Internet technologies resulted in the Web-Activator release, a special TRACE MODE web server implementing the “thin client” concept. For the first time, an on-line TRACE MODE demonstration launched.
1998 TRACE MODE 5 for Windows NT. Project autobuilding® technology. Record number of implementations
In February 1998, a 32-bit version of the integrated SCADA- and Softlogic-system TRACE MODE 5 was released. The new version allowed to develop a distributed process control system as a single project. In addition, an original project autobuilding® technology was introduced. The number of TRACE MODE installations reached 3000. TRACE MODE was implemented at a number of major companies such as TATENERGO Production Power Association (Russia), VINNITSAENERGO (Ukraine), GAZPROM RAO (Russia), TATNEFT JSC (Russia), APPATIT Plant (Russia), at Novokuznetsk Aluminium Works (Russia), etc. In November 1998, TRACE MODE was presented at the biggest industrial automation exhibition BIAS'98 (Milan, Italy). A distribution agreement was signed for TRACE MODE distribution in Italy.
1996 Release of TRACE MODE 4.20. TRACE MODE became the best selling SCADA in Russia and CIS countries
In February 1996, a new TRACE MODE 4.20 version was released. For the first time, in this version the controller and I/O device drivers were integrated into the program, i.e. became free of charge for the user. The first projects developed according to the Softlogic technology were implemented in Russia. The Mayak Science & Production Association’s radiation safety monitoring system is among them. TRACE MODE became the n 1 selling SCADA in Russia.
1995 The first TRACE MODE user conference. The uniform programming line technology In May 1995, the first TRACE MODE Conference was held in the Institute of Control Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For the first time in the world, a technology for integrated process control system development was presented at the conference, including both the development of operator interface and programming of controllers by one tool (a uniform programming line).
1994 Release of TRACE MODE 4.10. Volume graphics of operator screens. TRACE MODE Training Centre.
In September 1994, the new TRACE MODE 4.10 version was released. For the first time in the world, the new version included vector graphic editor enabling to create volumetric operator graphics. In addition, a new structure of process data archives, i.e. SIAD (structured industrial archive of data), which provides a high-speed saving of manufacturing process data was developed. In September 1994, a TRACE MODE Training Centre was opened.
1993 The TRACE MODE issue. First projects. “Graphic playback” technology.
In early 1993, the first TRACE MODE version for DOS was released. Since the first days of its existence, TRACE MODE was used for the development of large scale control systems. One of the first TRACE MODE users was All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute (Moscow) that applied the system in the process control project for Kruonis Pumped Storage Power Plant (Lithuania). The TRACE MODE implementation at an industrial enterprise of such scale opened a road for using the system and became an impetus for new developments.
The TRACE MODE 4.0 was released with improved user interface and a large number of supported I/O’s (up to 4000 I/O’s). For the version 4.0, a popular "graphic data playback" technology was developed.
In autumn 1993, TATENERGO Production Power Association became interested in new software technologies and entered into a big contract for TRACE MODE purchase and training of personnel. 1992 "Garage start-up"
Like many present-day high-technology companies, AdAstrA was established from scratch. The company’s backbone were specialists experienced in control technology in atomic industry. The company’s history is a history of creative work and technical innovations. |